Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Jesus Encounters II

Jesus Encounters the Woman at the Well
John 4: 1-42
- Geography of Christ’s journey
- History of Jacob’s well
- History of Samaritans
I The Contrasts of Last Week’s Lesson
The Time- The Participant- The Initiation-The Pronoun- The Tone

II The Comparisons of Last Week’s Lesson
Two Alone-The Technique- The Result

How do we get these accounts?
What does it mean in vs. 2- “had to pass”?
Do you see a significance of Jacobs well to be “Sychar” translated “Purchase”?
How does Jesus look at this woman?
What is tone and attitude of woman in vs. 19 and vs. 25?

III Points of Application
Creation as God’s metaphor- Light/Water/Bread/ Seasons etc.
Jesus: Fully God, Fully Man
Proofs that Jesus is God in this passage:
1) Intimacy with the Father
2) Insight into the woman
3) Incredible claim- I am he
4) Illustration of the well
5) Impression on Samaritans
We are all thirsty- God is the only source of satisfaction cf. Jeremiah 2:13
Spiritual over Physical/Material- she left her water pot/ He was not eating
Jesus- The Savior of the World- the only hope of unity
Gospel Presentation- What about you?

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