Monday, February 14, 2011

A Prayer for the Future Husbands of My Daughters on Valentine's Day

Father in Heaven,

You have given many wonderful things- but marriage is one of your amazing gifts. It is not easy- like many things of great value- the work and forgiveness and perseverance over time produces a deep and real reservoir of love and support.

And Lord, I worry at times about the future of healthy marriages in a land that seems to see less and less examples of good ones. I understand the skepticism and cynicism and suspicion for such a commitment.

So here is another area that I call out to You- Lord, prepare future men of God who will love my daughters with a love that only You can give.

Wash him in Your forgiveness and bathe him in Your Word. Allow him to go through a life that teaches him to value what You value. Teach him to learn how to stick with it when times get tough.

As all men are sinful Lord- allow his mistakes to train him to hate sin, love the sinner, and cling to the cross. I don't want a man of perfection for my daughter- a want a man who holds the good news of Your salvation like a pearl of great price.

Give him a picture of a healthy church and a loving family and a service oriented community and a mission minded ministry. Let his boyhood be amazing- fun- full of adventure- let him catch fish and stare at sunsets- and sleep with a smile on his face and with a smudge of hard playing mud on his cheek.

Teach him to laugh, teach him to be tender, teach him to have fun with a heart of gratitude and joy. Teach him to forgive, teach him to humble himself enough to ask for forgiveness.

Lord, also teach him to be tough- a leader- a wise man, able to discern when to stand and when to move. Teach him to pray. Give him vision of a family that is built on You.

If you bless them with children, help him to become a loving father and serving husband. Protect his health and provide the strength to stand against all kinds of dark attacks and temptations.

Lord, walk with this man in love and blessing. Let him pursue You- let him love You first, even more than my daughter. Let his pursuit of You inspire my daughter to seek You in a deeper and growing relationship.

So I pray today, Lord for a young man that You call out to- give him a special smile of your presence today- Let him feel the breeze of Your embrace. You see into the future- You are already there.

And prepare me to be a blessing to him as well. With a firm handshake and a welcoming smile- let him know from day one that I am there to support and pray and serve in any way that he desires. I want to present to him one day a beautiful girl who will love Jesus first and him second. And let their adventure be incredible!

In Jesus' name I ask these things.....

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